Stříbrné vánoční dny
Odebírat novinky
Místo konání - LETŇANY
PVA EXPO PRAHA Výstaviště Letňany

More than 100 companies have already registered to the upcoming edition of Christmas trade fair 2019

Dear exhibitors and fans of the STŘÍBRNÉ VÁNOČNÍ DNY (SILVER CHRISTMAS DAYS) trade fair,

Warm weather and summer holidays are here but our team is busy at work even on these hot summer days, organising the pre-Christmas trade fair. Approximately one hundred companies have registered by the first deadline, some of which have participated at the trade fair for many years, and some of which will present themselves for the first time – we are glad to see more and more new faces. Seize this unique opportunity and register now, we have everything arranged and ready for you. Contact us,  we are happy to help and answer any questions you may have. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 

Závěrečná zpráva- SVD 2023
