Stříbrné vánoční dny
Odebírat novinky
Místo konání - LETŇANY
PVA EXPO PRAHA Výstaviště Letňany

Crowds of visitors at the CHRISTMAS TRADE FAIR 2019


The Fair of Gifts and Decorations "CHRISTMAS TRADE FAIR" brought the festive atmosphere to the PRAGUE .


A total of 367 exhibitors came to Prague to create the unique atmosphere. On the exhibition area of more than 9 000 sqm could everybody purchased not only the gristmas gifts, but also the christmas decorations an any other sortiment of this field.


More than 34 000 visitors came took part in this unique event.


In the special section of the Fashion Zone, 55 designers offered original hand made clothing, jewelry and accessories.


For funs of good food and drink was prepared again Christmas feast zone. The organizers of the "Gluten Free Diet Society" also thought of celiacs within the framework of the Saturday Christmas Gluten Free Market.


Table of rich accompanying program contented also Christmas concerts of popular music stars from czech and abroad.







Závěrečná zpráva- SVD 2023
